Giving Toxic Waste a Bad Name

Face it, if we found out that a Vegas casino was run like our banking system, the worst strung out addict wouldn’t gamble there.

Even they wouldn’t be able to stand the stench.

Casino operators know you have to provide at least the appearance that the games aren’t crooked.

Casino operators know they can’t force people to spend their hard-earned money gambling on a toxic waste dump.

But the bankers and their political cronies who have been playing us for suckers forced us to pay to clean up the shambles, as well as the continuing costs of the broken economy.

Now the casino operators are trying to assure us that everything is hunky-dory, but that same foul scent is still wafting from their dumpsite. Goldman Sachs shrugs off  the Securities and Exchange Commission’s fraud charges, hiring the president’s former lawyer to fight them, while it rakes in eye-popping profits that beat even the most optimistic projections.

The man we hoped would clean up the mess, President Obama, appears at long last to be taking a more nimble, hands-on approach to financial reform than he did on health insurance reform. But the plans endorsed by him and the Democratic leadership contain too little actual reform and too much reshuffling of the same weak hand regulators have been bringing to the casino.

We’ll never win against the sharks the way the game is rigged now.

That’s the bitter lesson brought home by the revelations of the last month, from probes into the tragic bank follies of the Lehman and Washington Mutual collapses, and the  SEC lawsuit charging Goldman-Sachs with fraud.

As we learn more details of each of these debacles, they provide potent weapons  in the fight to overhaul the system that led to the financial meltdown.

Far from being an unforeseeable natural disaster, it was a predictable consequence of the system we still have in place today. In each case, the financial giants rigged the game with fraudulent bookkeeping and lack of disclosure while regulators looked the other way. And far from being isolated instances of improper conduct, the Lehman, WAMU and Goldman fiascoes are prime examples of how far the financial industry has fallen in common sense and ethical standards.

But the Democrat leadership has squandered its credibility on financial reform, offering legislation that largely preserves the status quo.

Rather than galvanizing public outrage against Wall Street into support for fundamental change to rebuild a financial system that truly serves our economy, the president and the Democratic leadership are caving in to Wall Street lobbyists and Republican obstructionists who pay lip service to reform while they block and dilute it.

Meanwhile, we’re treated to the truly disgraceful spectacle of each party accusing the other of having taken more campaign cash from Goldman-Sachs and the other major casino operators than the other.

The truth is they’re both beholden to the cash generated by the toxic dump of our financial system. The Democrats may be ahead in the fundraising game right now, but the Republicans are working hard to curry favor from Wall Street and catch up.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are left on the sidelines.

Fortunately we don’t have to stay there.
Several other Democratic senators have proposed amendments worthy of support.

Among the most articulate voices for a stronger version of reform is Sen. Ted Kaufman, D-Delaware. Along with senators Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, Carl Levin D-MI, Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Kaufman has proposed a bill that moves toward rebuilding the wall that used to separate traditional, federally guaranteed banking activities from high-risk speculative gambling. That wall was torn down when the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act was repealed during the Clinton Administration. In addition, a conservative Democrat who faces a tough reelection fight, Blanche Lincoln, D-Arkansas, has proposed derivatives regulation that is substantially tougher than that which has been proposed by the Obama Administration.

Now is the time to clean up the casino. We have to channel our  genuine, justified anger into action to push our politicians to do the right thing, whether they want to or not.

Bursting D.C.'s Bubble

The battle for financial reform comes down to the ownership of one critical piece of real estate, one that has managed to avoid the crash that has ended the dreams of security for so many: the nation’s Capital.

“We’re at a critical moment point in our democracy,” Elizabeth Warren, the congressional bailout monitor, told those of us gathered on a webinar Wednesday. “Either the banks own Washington or the people do.”

Warren was referring to something that the Democratic Senate whip, Dick Durbin, said last year about the place where he works, in an rare moment of a politician telling the truth:  “The banks own this place.”

Elizabeth Warren, a tireless promoter of consumer protection and truth teller about the decline of the decline of fortunes of regular folks, prefers to view Durbin’s declaration as premature.

But a more definitive answer is not far off, according to Warren; it could come next month. The full Senate is expected to begin debate on financial reform when it returns from recess this month with a final vote in May.

Congress is one place where the bubble hasn’t burst. The value of those congressional seats hasn’t gone down since the crash; it’s gone up. Representatives and senators are raking n more than ever from corporate lobbyists.

The banks are fully mobilized, unloading $1 million a day to block, neutralize and weaken reform. The webinar, sponsored by Americans for Financial Reform and Americans for Responsible Lending, was an effort to galvanize reform supporters into action.

As reluctant as I am to disagree with Warren about anything, on this one I’m with Durbin. From the evidence, it’s hard to see how Wall Street hasn’t gotten everything it wants from the politicians, even after the greatest financial meltdown since the Depression.

The question is whether we can take back that inflated piece of real estate and reestablish its true value.  Can we turn our frustration and rage over the bailouts and our elected representatives’ impotence into action?

There are marches – April 29th on Wall Street and May 17 on K street, where the lobbyists have their offices. And there are elected representatives to inundate with messages in favor of reform. Reform advocates can’t match the bankers’ cash, but they have people power on their side.

One questioner asked Warren at what point the Senate reform proposal from Sen. Chris Dodd, which was initially strong before Dodd watered it down, would become so weak it wouldn’t be worth supporting. Warren didn’t answer the question directly. “They’re not leaving much margin for error,” she said.

Unfortunately, when it comes to financial reform, the devil is in the details, and we have to insist on real reforms.

That means:

× Breaking up banks that are too big to fail (Dodd’s proposal doesn’t do that now).

× Creating a strong and independent financial consumer protection agency  (Dodd proposes to house it in the Fed, with other banking regulators able to veto the consumer protector’s decisions)

× Forcing banks to have more “skin in the game” (The Senate bill require bankers to keep money in reserve equal to 5 percent of loans they bundle and sell off; European regulators require twice that amount).

× Congress setting the amounts of capital financial institutions would have to keep on hand, rather than leaving it for the regulators to decide.

What we’ve learned in the past several months, from the report on the Lehman bankruptcy and the Fed’s recent disclosures on its involvement in Bear-Stearns takeover by J.P. Morgan, is that regulators weren’t asleep at the switch before, during and after the financial crisis. Rather, the regulators have actively colluded with the banks in an attempt to conceal the banks shady practices. Too much of what is being called financial reform is actually just maintaining the status quo while pretending to overhaul the system.

I don’t agree with a lot of what the Tea Party has offered. They don’t offer much in the way of positive proposals, and seem particularly weak in grappling with the issue of unchecked corporate power. But I think they’ve shown how a group of people (with some corporate funding) can shake up and shape a national debate. The Tea Party has no corner on frustration, anger, betrayal or the sense that something has gone deeply wrong in our country. There’s no reason we can’t channel that frustration and anger to plant the flag of real reform in the middle of real estate that, after all, belongs to us. Now’s the time to do it.
Here’s how to contact your senator and representative. Here’s the web site for Americans for Financial Reform.

Obama to Bailout Cop: Beat It!

The Obama administration, which has increasingly been adopting a can’t do attitude when it comes to putting real teeth into financial regulation, now wants to take out the teeth already in place.

Treasury officials are signaling they’d rather not have the same aggressive special inspector general overseeing the $700 billion federal bailout anywhere near their new $30 billion bank subsidy to encourage lending to small business.

I wrote about that inspector general, Neil Barofsky, a couple of weeks ago, suggesting he was one of the few public officials actually trying to protect our money rather than just acting as a rubber stamp for Wall Street’s raid on the U.S. Treasury.

Barofsky has issued a series of scathing reports raising questions about federal officials’ handling of the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Treasury officials contend that although the $30 billion would come from unspent TARP funds, it’s technically not TARP. So Barofsky should butt out. Their real reason for not wanting Barofsky around is simple: the banks don’t like him looking over their shoulders.

You can’t blame the banks for that. No doubt it’s a lot more fun to spend your federal handout without some nosy former federal prosecutor scrutinizing every move you make.

But for the Obama administration to go along with it is troubling and baffling. The president promised an unprecedented level of accountability, understanding that openness would go a long way toward restoring credibility in the financial system and the government’s ability to oversee it.

But Treasury officials appear to be more concerned with keeping the bankers happy than they are with keeping them honest.

The news about Barofsky surfaced as the administration appeared to be backing away from its recent embrace of former Fed chief Paul Volcker, who favors limits on bank size and risky financial trading. Predictably, the financial titans were balking at the proposals.

The administration’s move against Barofsky is both bad policy and bad politics. It seems designed to hand live ammunition to the mistrustful antigovernment troops of the Tea Party.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats have been quiet on the issue. The president and the Democrats have accomplished what at one time would have been seen as a nearly impossible task: handing the mantle of accountability and openness over to Republicans, who are howling with outrage over the idea of keeping Barofsky away from the small-business lending subsidy.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Ca., said earlier this week: “Denying SIGTARP the ability to defend taxpayers sends a chilling message that IGs who conduct real oversight will be punished for holding this Administration accountable.”

At the very least, the administration needs to come to its senses and regain its commitment to transparency. Let Barofsky do his job. The administration should be paying better attention to his criticisms, not trying to get rid of him.

Open Letters to Sens. Feinstein and Boxer


As the debate over financial reform moves to the Senate I’ve written a couple of open letters to my senators. I’m not endorsing any particular legislative proposals but I do outline the items that shouldn’t be compromised.

Feel free to borrow my ideas for letters to your own senators, or to disagree. Whether you agree or disagree, I’d like to hear what you think.

What’s your bottom line on what financial reform should contain?


Dear Sen. Feinstein:

Throughout the economic crisis, you have continued to raise serious questions about whether the bailout was protecting the financial industry or the public. Now is the time to turn that skepticism into constructive action.

Sen. Feinstein, voters are counting on your continuing leadership to make sure Congress provides real financial reform to prevent future meltdowns and bailouts stemming from reckless practices and lack of government oversight.

Though you voted for the bailout, at the time, in September 2008, you compared the  preparations for the so-called financial rescue to the build-up to the war in Iraq. "There is a great deal of cynicism among those of us who have to live with having voted to go into Iraq based on misinformation and intelligence that later turned out not to be truthful," you said.

On March 23 of this year, you were among a group of senators who met with President Obama to express concern that his administration’s proposals didn’t go far enough, and that his economic advisers were many of the same people who oversaw the deregulatory fever that played such a key role in our financial crisis.

Unfortunately, Sen. Feinstein, your concerns have been borne out.

Financial reform as passed by the House of Representatives is filled with loopholes. Lobbyists from financial firms recently rescued from ruin by taxpayers have mounted a fierce campaign to maintain a system in which “too big to fail” institutions” can manipulate the regulatory system.

The good news is that Sen. Chris. Dodd has proposed much stronger legislation, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2009.  By all accounts, his proposal faces a bruising battle as the financial industry gathers all its forces to protect its interests. Sen. Dodd has indicated that compromise is inevitable.

But Sen. Feinstein, the stakes are too high to compromise on the most important aspects of reform. Some of these are contained in Sen. Dodd’s proposal. Others are contained in other legislative proposals under consideration in the session about to begin.

Please help make sure that these key elements of reform are not the victims of compromise:

• Vote against the confirmation of Ben Bernanke to another term as Federal Reserve chair. He was at the center of the bubbles before the meltdown and also helped engineer a bailout that profited Wall Street while Main Street suffered.

•Reinstate a modern-day form of Glass-Steagal, as proposed by Sens. McCain and Cantwell.

•Audit the Federal Reserve, as proposed in legislation sponsored by Reps. Paul and Grayson, which would open up the operations of the institution to public scrutiny for the first time.

•Reconsider and approve judicial cram-downs, which would give bankruptcy judges the power to lower mortgage payments. This would put real teeth in the Obama Administration’s anti-foreclosure efforts.

In the Dodd bill:

• Support creation of a strong, independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency, with regulatory oversight of the Community Reinvestment Act (not provided in the House bill)

•Support creation of a an Agency for Financial Stability, responsible for identifying, monitoring and addressing systemic risks posed by large complex companies and their products, with the authority to break up firms if they pose a threat to the financial stability of the country

• Remove exemptions (contained in the House reform bill) for banks and credit unions with assets of less than $10 billion – about 98 percent of deposit-taking institutions in the country.

• Bar pre-emption (also allowed in the House bill), which would let states, if they choose, to pass tougher financial regulations for nationally chartered banks.

• Don’t exempt other consumer-financial businesses,  such as auto dealers from oversight by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (as the House bill does.)

• Give two agencies, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission broad authority to force derivatives markets onto exchanges where they pose less risk.

I’m urging you to put everything you’ve got behind this fight to protect consumers and homeowners. Voters put their trust and faith in you to see that their interests are protected, not compromised away. We’re relying on you to convince your colleagues to put the public’s interests ahead of the private profits and the power of the financial giants.

Sen. Feinstein, your skeptical instincts have been right since the Bush administration tried ramrod through a 3-page $700 bailout. Now everyone in the country can plainly see how that bailout benefited the large financial institutions but did little for small business, consumers and  homeowners. Thank you for your raising the right questions in the past. Thank you for helping us get back on the right track now.


Martin Berg



Dear Sen. Boxer:

Voters are counting on your continuing leadership to make sure the promise of real fundamental financial reform becomes a reality.

In 1989, you were one of a handful of senators to vote against repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, the Depression-era law that had kept banks’ traditional business separate from their riskier speculative business.

Though you were in the small minority opposing the deregulatory fever sweeping Washington, your vote showed tremendous leadership, courage and prescience.

You withstood the pressures from financial industry lobbyists and contributors as well as the demands of your own party. As you know, then-President Clinton and his economic advisers, after initially opposing the repeal, eventually made a deal to sign off on the dismantling of Glass-Steagall.

We all know what happened over the last decade – record profits for financial institutions while the economic foundation for American families has gotten increasingly shaky. Voters have watched with dismay as the massive federal bailout has helped create even fewer financial institutions, with even greater wealth and wielding even more political power.

Neither the Obama administration’s proposals nor the bill passed by the House of Representatives offer sweeping reform, nor do they do anything to break up the power of the “too big to fail” institutions. They also don’t do enough to ease the threat these banks continue to pose to the rest of the economy.

Now Sen. Christopher Dodd has proposed much stronger legislation, the Restoring American Financial Stability.  By all accounts, his proposal faces a bruising battle as the financial industry gathers all its forces to protect its interests. Sen. Dodd has indicated that compromise is inevitable.

But Sen. Boxer, the stakes are too high to compromise on the most important aspects of reform. Some of these are contained in Sen. Dodd’s proposal. Others are contained in other legislative proposals under consideration in the session about to begin.

Please help make sure that these key elements of reform are not the victims of compromise:

• Vote against the confirmation of Ben Bernanke to another term as Federal Reserve chair. He was at the center of the bubbles before the meltdown, helped engineer a bailout that profited Wall Street while Main Street suffered, and has fought increased transparency in the financial system.

• Reinstate a modern-day form of Glass-Steagall, proposed by Sens. McCain and Cantwell.

• Audit the Federal Reserve, as suggested in the proposal by Reps. Paul and Grayson, which would open up the operations of the institution to public scrutiny for the first time.

• Reconsider and approve judicial cram-downs, which would give bankruptcy judges the power to lower mortgage payments. This would put real teeth in the Obama Administration’s anti-foreclosure efforts.

In the Dodd bill:

• Support creation of a strong, independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency, with regulatory oversight of the Community Reinvestment Act (not provided in the House bill).

• Support creation of a an Agency for Financial Stability, responsible for identifying, monitoring and addressing systemic risks posed by large complex companies and their products, with the authority to break up firms if they pose a threat to the financial stability of the country.

• Remove exemptions (contained in the House reform bill) for banks and credit unions with assets of less than $10 billion – about 98 percent of deposit-taking institutions in the country.

• Bar pre-emption (also allowed in the House bill), which would let states, if they choose, to pass tougher financial regulations for nationally chartered banks.

• Don’t exempt other consumer-financial businesses,  such as auto dealers from oversight by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (as the House bill does).

• Give two agencies, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission broad authority to force derivatives markets onto exchanges where they pose less risk.

I’m urging you to put everything you’ve got behind this fight to protect consumers and homeowners. Voters put their trust and faith in you to see that their interests are protected, not compromised away. We’re relying on you to convince your colleagues to put the public’s interests ahead of the private profits and the power of the financial giants.

Sen. Boxer, you were right in 1989 when you were in the minority. Now everyone in the country can plainly see the wreckage from the great deregulatory experiment you opposed. Thank you for your vision. Thank you for helping us get back on the right track now.


Martin Berg
